How To Get The Most Out Of Your Heating System

As winter sets in full force, millions of households feel a frigid pinch on their cheeks and the pressure on their wallets. And, as energy costs rise, it’s more important than ever to get the most out of your heating system to avoid paying needlessly high energy bills.

The easiest method to help cut your energy costs and save money is to make your home more energy-efficient. We’ve put together this list of valuable ideas to get the most out of your appliances while consuming the least amount of energy possible.

Clean The Vents, The Air Filter, And The Furnace.

  • Take a walk through your home and inspect the air vents for obstructions. Blocked ducts force a heater to work harder.
  • Turn off the furnace, detach the vent covers, and suction the vent apertures with the long attachment on your vacuum.
  • Clean or replace your air filter every 2 to 3 months to keep energy expenses down. You can also take professional help like heating repair in Nogales, AZ.
  • Furnace filters are available at any home improvement store, and replacing one is simple: remove the old, dusty filter and replace it with a new one.
  • Remove the access panels from your furnace once a year to clean out any dust or debris accumulated inside to maintain it working at its best.

Reconsider Your Thermostat Settings.

  • The US Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 68°F when you’re awake and 7 to 10°F colder at night to save money during the cold months.
  • You can save up to 10% a year on your heating bill by lowering the thermostat down for eight hours a day.
  • A furnace might not be able to keep the inside temperature as high as you’d like during extreme cold.
  • Heating contractors recommend wearing warmer clothing to save electricity instead of putting the thermostat up to a temperature that the furnace can’t reach when it’s too chilly.

Make An Appointment For A Tune-Up.

  • Furnaces require regular tune-ups, so schedule an energy tune-up with combustion analysis with an HVAC specialist.
  • They’ll inspect your furnace with advanced diagnostic instruments and make adjustments for maximum efficiency, safety, and comfort.
  • It will help you save money on energy, keep your house warm, and extend the life of your equipment.

Avoid Obstructing The Heating Devices.

  • It’s a simple trick, but it’ll make a big difference. If your living room sofa, bed, or other furniture is positioned in front of your heating equipment, cranking up the heat won’t help.
  • Heat will not spread as effectively if your furniture blocks the heating vent or system.
  • Consider rearranging your room so that the heat can reach all corners.
  • If you can’t rearrange your furniture, create a gap between the heating system and the obstruction to allow breathing.

If you are looking for a heating contractor in Nogales, AZ, your search ends at Santa Cruz Heating and Cooling to save money and get the most satisfactory services. Call us at 520-313-1424.